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Past Projects and Excavations

Excavations and Surveys

Contact Person:
Prof. Itzhaq Beit-Arieh, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University.

Tel Gerisa

Eleven seasons of excavations were conducted at Tel Gerisa between the years 1981-1995 under the direction of Ze'ev Herzog. The excavations commenced as part of a regional investigation of the western Yarkon River basin, which also included the excavation of Tel Michal (published in 1989 by the University of Minnesota Press jointly with Tel Aviv University) and will soon be expanded to include the site of Tel Jaffa. The excavations at Tel Gerisa have contributed important evidence relating to the fortification systems of the Middle Bronze IIA period as well as to the material culture of the Philistines. In more recent years, excavation has concentrated on the exposure of a Late Bronze Age palace from the time of Egyptian suzerainty in Canaan, ca. 1400 B.C.E. A unique water-supply system, which apparently dates to the Middle Bronze IIA, has been excavated since the 1988 season and may necessitate a reevaluation of the history of the development of such installations.

Hittite Imperial Administration

Prof. Itamar Singer
Research Assistants: Julia Gottlieb, Amir Gilan, Michal Katz

An integrative study of the Hittite Imperial System, especially in Syria. The project is a systematic study of the written sources (Hittite, Akkadian, Ugaritic) related to the process of the Hittite administration in the 14th - 13th centuries BCE, especially in Syria (archives of Bogazkoy, Ras Shamra, Meskene/Emar).

Contact Person:
Prof. Itamar Singer, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University.

Tel Kabri

Located to the east of Nahariya, Tel Kabri was excavated by Aharon Kempinski, together with Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier of Freiburg University. It is one of the largest Bronze Age cities in Israel, and is identified with the city of Rehov mentioned in the Execration Texts and in Joshua 19: 28. Conspicuous finds so far include: buildings of the Early Bronze Age I; private homes; a family tomb; a palace of the local ruler from the Middle Bronze Age, built in typical Canaanite style and decorated with a plaster floor and wall paintings in Minoan style; remains of the Phoenician city founded in the 10th century BCE; a casemate wall attributed to the 9th century BCE and occupation levels that contain sherds of the 5th millennium BCE.


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