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The Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology

The Publications department publishes the English language Monograph Series, the English language journal, Tel Aviv, Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Occasional Publications and Salvage Excavation Reports.

The Monograph Series publishes final reports of the Institute's major archaeological projects as well as multidisciplinary investigations in Near Eastern archaeology carried out by its members.

Tel Aviv is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes articles on current archaeological investigations in the Levant and critical studies related to the history and culture of Near Eastern civilizations. While the journal features articles dealing with the Classical and prehistoric periods, its primary focus is on the biblical and protohistoric periods.

Salvage Excavation Reports focuses on recent salvage excavations conducted by Institute staff and students.

Monograph Series

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv Occasional

Salvage Excavation

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