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Prof. Itamar Singer

Professor of Ancient Near Eastern History and Cultures


BA - Hebrew University
MA - Tel Aviv University
Ph.D. - Marburg University, Germany and Tel Aviv University
Ph.D. Dissertation:The Hittite KI.LAM Festival

Fields of Research
  • Hittitology
  • ANE History and Cultures
  • Sea People

Prof. Itamar Singer
Current Projects

The International Correspondence of Hatti with the Other Great Powers of the Late Bronze Age (sponsored by the Israel Science Foundation)

Selected Publications - Books

Singer, I. 1983, 1984. The Hittite KI.LAM Festival. 2 Vols. Wiesbaden.

Singer, I. and Izre'el, S. 1990. The General's Letter from Ugarit. Tel Aviv.

Singer, I. 1996. Muwatalli's Prayer. (ASOR). Atlanta.

Singer, I. 2002. Hittite Prayers (Society of Biblical Literature). Atlanta.

MA Students

Shai Divon
Boaz Stavi
Ora Brison
Ilan Peled

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