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Prof. Yuval Goren

Professor of Archaeology

The Laboratory for Comparative Microarchaeology and Metal Conservation


BA - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 1984
MA - Hebrew University, 1987
Ph.D. - Hebrew University, 1991

Fields of Research

  • Provenance and technological studies of archaeological ceramics (including seal impressions and cuneiform tablets) using petrographic and other mineralogical and structural methods.
  • Site micromorphology and formation processes.
  • Authenticity examinations of archaeological artifacts.
  • Proto-history of Israel and adjacent areas.

Prof. Yuval Goren
Current Projects (2008)

  • Interactions between Canaan and other areas of the Near East during the second millennium BC through provenance studies of ceramics from shipwrecks (Uluburun, Cape Gelidonya, Seitan Deresi), harbor sites and overland routes.
  • Provenance study of ancient Near Eastern cuneiform texts using mineralogical and chemical methods.
  • Provenance study of the Knossian Replica Rings from Crete and Thera using petrographic and other analytical methods (with D. Panagiotopoulos, U. of Heidelberg).
  • Micromorphological and environmental study of site sediments.
  • Technological study of pottery from Neolithic sites in Cyprus as indication for possible contacts with the mainland (with J. Clark, U. of East England).
  • A study of the administration of Late Iron Age and Persian Period Israel through the provenance of bullae and seal impressions (with E. Aryeh and O. Lipschits).

Ph.D. Students

Eyal Buzaglo: Provenance of Pottery and Presumed Sailing Courses of Ottoman Shipwrecks from the Southern Levanine Coast. Supervized with Y. Kahanov (Haifa University).

Anat Cohen-Weinberger (grad.): Petrography of the Middle Bronze 2 Age Pottery: Implications to Understing Egypto-Cananite Relations. Submitted: 2007.

Mark Iserlis: Social and Ethnic Identity and Ceramic Technology, Khirbet Kerak Ware as a Southern Manifestation of Early Trans-Caucasian Culture. Supervized with R. Greenberg (Tel Aviv University).

Dvora Namdar (grad.): Reconstruction of the Economy of the Chalcolithic Period in Israel by Assessment of Preservation and Degradation Processes of Organic Substances Adsorbed to Archaeological Ceramic Vessels. Supervized with S. Weiner & R. Newman (Weizman Institute of Science). Submitted: 2007

M.A. Students

Haim Ashkenazi (grad.): The Archaeology of the Individual: Reconstruction of the Life of the Buried from the "Cave of the Warrier". Submitted: 2007.

Ofra Barkai (grad.): Base-Ring Ware from Tell Abu Hawam, Excavation 2001. Supervized with M. Artzy (Haifa University). Submitted: 2003.

Rebecca Biton: The Technological Properties of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Clay Objects: Kfar HaHoresh as a Case Study. Supervized with A-N. Goring-Morris (the Hebrew University).

Eyal Buzaglo (grad.): Petrographic Investigation of the Iron Age Pottery Assembleges from Megiddo and the North. Supervized with I. Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 2004.

Anat Cohen-Weinberger (grad.): The Typology and Technology of the Egyptian Pottery of the 20th Dynasty at Beth-Shean in Light of the Renewed Excavations. Supervized with A. Mazar (the Hebrew University). Submitted: 1997.

Dor Golan (grad.): The Tell Abu Hawam Monochrome Ware: Characterizations of the Finds from the 2001 Project. Supervized with M. Artzy (Haifa University). Submitted: 2004.

Nissim Golding: Marine and Overland Interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean Area during the Late Bronze Age as Reflected by the Petrography of the Canaanite Jars from Port Sites and the Overland Route of Sinai.

Shira Gurwin: The Technology, Provenance, and Role of Judahite Bullae from the End of the First Temple to the Beginning of the Second Temple Era. Supervized with O. Lipschits (Tel Aviv University).

Amir Gorcelzani (grad.): Ceramic Industry and Foreign Relations of Selected Persian Period Sites in Israel - Petrographic Research. Supervized with Z. Herzog (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 2003.

Mark Iserlis (grad.): Khirbet Kerak Ware and Local Ceramics at Tel Beth Yerah in the Early Bronze Age 3: Petrographical and Technological Aspects. Supervized with R. Greenberg (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 2007.

Meital Kaufman: The Contents and Origin of the Sumero-Akkadian Documents found at Ugarit-Ras Shamra. Supervized with Y. Cohen (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 2008.

Karen Kovelo-Paran (grad.): The Rural Aspect of the Jezreel Valley during the Intermediate Bronze Age in Light of the Excavations at 'Ein Helu (Migdal Ha 'Emeq). Supervized with P. Beck (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 1999.

Dvora Namdar (grad.): The Copper Industry in the Chalcolithic Period in Israel: the Findings from the Site of Give'at Ha 'Oranim. Supervized with S. Shalev (Haifa University and Weizman Institute of Science). Submitted: 2002.

Assaf Nativ (grad.): Pottery Production in Nahal Zehora II: a Descriptive Account. Supervized with A. Gopher (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 2005.

Nadine Reshef: Scientific Analysis of Tuy?res from the Production Debris of the Early Iron Age Blacksmith's Workshop at Tel Beth-Shemesh. Supervized with S. Bunimovitz (Tel Aviv University).

Hagit Torge (grad.): The Foothills of the Yarkon Basin during the Iron Age. Supervized with N. Na'aman (Tel Aviv University). Submitted: 2007.

Noga Yoselevich (grad.): The Utilization of Chalices as Incense Burners on Boats and in Coastal Sites. Supervized with M. Artzy (Haifa University). Submitted: 2004.

Shahaf Zach: Contacts between the Israeli Chalcolithic and the Nile Delta According to the Petrography of Pottery Vessels.

List of Publications

Books and Monographs

Y. Goren, P. Fabian. 2001. A Chalcolithic Mortuary Site at Kissufim Road. Jerusalem.

Y. Goren, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. 2004. Inscribed in Clay, Provenance Study of the Amarna Tablets and Other Near Eastern Texts. Tel Aviv.

Refereed Articles

Y. Goren, I. Gilead. 1986. Quaternary environment and man at Nahal Sekher, Northern Negev. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 19: 66-79.

Gilead, Y. Goren. 1986. Stations of the Chalcolithic period in Nahal Sekher, Northern Negev. Paléorient 12: 83-90.

Y. Goren. 1988. A petrographic analysis of pottery from sites P14 and DII. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 21: 131*-137*.

י. גורן. תש"ן. הטכנולוגיה של המכלול הקיראמי והבטיה הארכיאולוגיים. עתיקות ט': 82-78.

Y. Goren. 1989. Contacts between Transjordan and Israel during the Chalcolithic period - evidence from the petrography of pottery, stone and metal artifacts. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 22: 148-150.

י. גורן, נ. פורת. תשמ"ט. המחקר הטכנולוגי של מכלולי כלי חרס כאמצעי להבנת תרבויות העבר. ארכיאולוגיה 2: 48-36.

I Gilead, Y. Goren. 1989. Petrographic analyses of fourth millennium BC pottery and stone vessels from the Northern Negev, Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 275: 5-14.

י. גורן. תשנ"א. כלי חרס מאתרי קבורה בארץ-ישראל מן התקופות הכלקוליתית והברונזה הקדומה: היבטים חדשים לתולדות התפתחות הטכנולוגיה הקירמית. ארץ-ישראל כ"א: 119-126.

Y. Goren. 1991. The "Qatifian culture" in southern Israel and the Trans-Jordan: new aspects for its definition. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 23: 100-112.

Y. Goren. 1991. Petrographic examination of the ceramic assemblage from Tel 'Amal. 'Atiqot XX: 129-130.

Y. Goren, P. Goldberg. 1991. Petrographic thin-sections and the development of Neolithic plaster production in Northern Israel. Journal of Field Archaeology 18: 131-138.

Y. Goren. 1992. Phosphorite vessels of the 4th Mill. B.C. in the southern Levant: new data, new interpretations. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 24: 102-111.

י. גורן. תשנ"ב. נספח: בדיקות פטרוגרפיות בכיבשן. עתיקות כ"א: 14-12.

A.M. Maeir, J.Yellin, Y. Goren. 1992. A re-evaluation of the red and black bowl from Parker's excavations in Jerusalem. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 11: 39-53.

S. Shalev, Y. Goren, T.E. Levy, J.P. Northover. 1992. A Chalcolithic mace head from the Negev, Israel: Technological aspects and cultural implications. Archaeometry 34: 63-71.

י. גורן. תשנ"ב. בדיקות פטרוגרפיות של פכיות 'מקורצפות' מקבר 26 בפלמחים. עתיקות כ"א: 26-24.

Gopher, S. Sadeh, Y. Goren. 1992. The pottery assemblage of Nahal Beset I: A Neolithic site in the Upper Galilee. Israel Exploration Journal 42: 4-16.

N. Goren-Inbar, S. Belitzky, Y. Goren, R. Rabinovich, I. Saragusti. 1992. Gesher Benot Ya'akov - the "Bar": An Acheulian assemblage. Geoarchaeology 7: 27-39.

Y. Goren, I. Segal, O. Bar-Yosef. 1993. Plaster artifacts and the interpretation of the Nahal Hemar Cave. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 25: 120-131.

H. Khalaily, Y. Goren, F.R. Vala. 1993. A Late Pottery Neolithic assemblage from Hayonim Terrace, Western Galilee. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 25: 132-144.

Y. Goren. 1995. Shrines and ceramics in Chalcolithic Israel: The view through the petrographic microscope. Archaeometry 37: 287-305.

Y. Goren, I. Segal. 1995. On early myths and formative technologies: A study of PPNB sculptures and modeled skulls from Jericho. Israel Journal of Chemistry 35: 155-165.

N. Goring-Morris, Y. Goren, L.K. Horwitz, D. Bar-Yosef, I. Hershkovitz. 1995. Investigations at an Early Neolithic settlement in Lower Galilee: Results of 1991 season at Kfar HaHoresh. 'Atiqot 27: 37-62.

N. Goring-Morris, Y. Goren, L.K. Horwitz, I. Hershkovitz, R. Liberman, J. Sarel, D. Bar-Yosef. 1995. The 1992 season of excavations at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B settlement of Kfar HaHoresh. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 26: 74-121.

T.E. Levy, E.C.M. van den Brink, Y. Goren, D. Alon. 1995. New light on King Narmer and the Protodynastic Egyptian presence in Canaan. Biblical Archaeologist 58: 26-35.

י. גורן. תשנ"ו. עקרונות המחקר הפטרוגרפי של ממצאים ארכיאולוגיים ויישום השיטה בארכיאולוגיה של ארץ-ישראל. קדמוניות 112: 114-107.

Cohen-Weinberger, Y. Goren. 1996. Petrographic analysis of Iron I Age pithoi from Sasa. 'Atiqot 28: 77-83.

O. Lernau, H. Cotton, Y. Goren. 1996. Fish sauces from Herodian Masada. Journal of Roman Archaeology 9: 223-238.

Y. Goren. 1996. The southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age IV: The petrographic perspective. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 303: 33-72.

E.D. Oren, J.P. Olivier, Y. Goren, P. Betancourt, G.H. Myer, J. Yellin. 1996. A Minoan graffito from Tel Haror (Negev, Israel). Cretan Studies 5: 91-117.

Y. Goren. 1997. Excavation of the Courthouse Site at 'Akko: preliminary petrographic analyses of the ceramic assemblage. 'Atiqot 31: 71-74.

P. Goldberg, Y. Goren. 1999. Micromorphological observations at Saflulim. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 131: 58-60.

Y. Goren. 1999. On determining use of pastoral cave sites: A critical assessment of spherulites in archaeology. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 29: 123-128.

Y. Goren. 1999. A petrographic study of the pottery assemblage from Azor, Area A. 'Atiqot 38: 20-24.

Y. Goren, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. 2000. Egyptian administration in Canaan: evidence from the petrographic study of the Tell el-Amarna cuneiform tablets. The Old Potter's Almanack 8: 5-6.

Y. Goren. 2000. Provenance study of the cuneiform texts from Hazor. Israel Exploration Journal 50: 29-42.

T. Dothan, S. Zuckermann, Y. Goren. 2000. Kamares Ware at Hazor. Israel Exploration Journal 50: 1-15.

Y. Goren. 2000. Petrographic characteristics of several key Southern Levantine ceramic materials. Internet Archaeology 9,

Y. Goren, A.N. Goring-Morris, I. Segal. 2001. The technology of skull modeling in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB): Regional variability, the relation of technology and iconography and their archaeological implications. Journal of Archaeological Science 28: 671-690.

P. Fabian, Y. Goren. 2001. A Byzantine storehouse and anchorage south of Ashkelon. 'Atiqot 42: 211-219.

פ. נחשוני,י. גורן, ע. מרדר, א.נ. גורינג-מוריס. תשס"ג. אתר כאלקוליתי ברמות נוף, באר-שבע. עתיקות 43: 1-24.

M. Madella, M.K. Jones, P. Goldberg, Y. Goren, E. Hovers. 2001. The exploitation of plant remains by Neanderthals in Amud Cave (Israel): The evidence from phytolith studies. Journal of Archaeological Science 29: 703-719.

Y. Goren, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. 2002. The seat of three disputed Canaanite rulers according to petrographic investigation of the Amarna tablets. Tel-Aviv 29: 221-237.

Y. Goren, S. Bunimovitz, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. 2003. The location of Alashiya: new evidence from petrographic investigation of Alashiyan tablets from el-Amarna and Ugarit. American Journal of Archaeology 107: 233-255.

Y. Goren, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. 2003. The expansion of the kingdom of Amurru according to the petrographic investigations of the Amarna tablets. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 329: 1-11.

י. גורן. תשס"ג. נספח: פטרוגרפיה של הקנקנית מטירינס. ארץ-ישראל כ"ז: 15.

Y. Goren, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. 2003. Petrographic investigation of the Amarna tablets. Near Eastern Archaeology 65: 196-205.

O. Ilan, Y. Goren. 2003. The Egyptianized pottery vessles of Early Bronze Age Megiddo. Tel-Aviv 30: 42-53.

P. Fabian, S. Hermon, Y. Goren. 2004. Ramot 3: A Pre-Ghassulian open-air site in the northern Beer-Sheva basin. 'Atiqot 47: 57-80.

Y. Goren, A. Cohen-Weinberger. 2004. Levantine - Egyptian interactions: preliminary results of the petrographic study of the Canaanite pottery from Tell el-Dab'a. Äegypten und Levante 14: 69-100.

A. Ayalon, M. Bar-Matthews, Y. Goren. 2004. Authenticity examination of the inscription on the ossuary attributed to James, brother of Jesus. Journal of Archaeological Science 31: 1185-1189.

Y. Goren, A. Ayalon, M. Bar-Matthews, B. Schilman. 2004. Authenticity Examination of the Jehoash Inscription. Tel-Aviv 31: 3-16.

Y. Goren. 2004. Technological study of the ceramic assemblage from Newe Yaraq, Lod. 'Atiqot 47: 51-55.

Y. Goren, S. Ahituv, A. Ayalon, M. Bar-Matthews, U. Dahari, M. Dayagi-Mendels, A. Demsky, N. Lavin. 2005. A re-examination of the inscribed pomegranate from the Israel Museum. Israel Exploration Journal 55: 3-20.

Y. Goren, M. Bar-Matthews, A. Ayalon, B. Schilman. 2005. Authenticity examination of two Iron Age ostraca from the Mousaieff collection. Israel Exploration Journal 55: 21-34.

Y. Goren. 2007. A note on the pottery technology at Binyanei Ha'uma, Jerusalem. Excavations on the Site of the Jerusalem International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'uma): A Settlement of the Late First to Second Temple Period, The Tenth Legion's Kilnworks, And A Byzantine Monastic Complex: The Pottery and Other Finds, Directed and Edited by B. Arubas and H. Goldfus (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 60): 192-194.

Y. Goren, N. Na'aman, H. Mommsen, I. Finkelstein. 2007. Provenance study and re-evaluation of the cuneiform documents from the Egyptian residency at Tel Aphek. Ägypten und Levante XVI: 161-171.

Y. Goren. 2007. Scientific examination of a Seleucid limestone stele. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 159: 206-216.

S. Ahituv, A. Demsky, Y. Goren, A. Lemaire. 2007. The inscribed pomegranate from the Israel Museum examined again. Israel Exploration Journal 57: 87-95.

Y. Goren. In press. The typology and technology of the "Jericho IX" (Lodian) and Wadi Raba ceramic assemblages from Old Tel Yosef. 'Atiqot.

Y. Goren. In press. The Location of Specialized Copper Production by the Lost Wax Technique in the Chalcolithic Southern Levant. Geoarchaeology.

Y. Goren, H. Mommsen, I. Finkelstein, N. Na'aman. In press. Provenance study of the Gilgamesh fragment from Megiddo. Archaeometry.

E. Aryeh, Y. Goren. In press. Indelible impression: petrographic analysis of Judahite bullae. Israel Exploration Journal.

M. Madella, M.K. Jones, P. Goldberg, Y. Goren, E. Hovers. In press. The Exploitation of Plant Resources by Neandertals in Amud Cave (Israel): The Evidence from Phytolith Studies. Geoarchaeology.

Y. Goren, P. Fabian. 2008 (In press). The Oboda Potter's Workshop Reconsidered. Journal of Roman Archaeology 21.

A. Behar, S. Shilstein, N. Raban, Y. Goren, A. Gilboa, I. Sharon, S. Weiner. In press. An Integrated Approach to Reconstructing Primary Activities from Secondary Deposits: A Case Study of a Pit Deposit at Tel- Dor, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science.

Y. Goren, A.N. Goring-Morris. In press. Early Pyrotechnology in the Near East: Experimental Lime Plaster Production at the PPNB Site of Kfar HaHoresh, Israel. Geoarchaeology.

Chapters in Books

י. גורן, פ. פביאן. 1987. חורבת זעק - יישוב כפרי ומערכות מסתור מהתקופות הרומית והביזנטית. בתוך: אדם וסביבה בדרום השפלה, עורכים: ד. אורמן, א. שטרן, עמ' 174-163. תל-אביב.

Y. Goren, I. Gilead. 1987. Petrographic analysis of pottery from Shiqmim: a preliminary report. In: Shiqmim I, Studies Concerning Chalcolithic Societies in the Northern Negev Desert, Israel (1982-1984), Ed. T.E. Levy, pp. 411-418. Oxford.

י. גורן. 1993. בדיקות פטרוגרפיות של קיראמיקה "אנטולית" בחפירות כברי. בתוך: כברי - עונת החפירות 1988, עורך א. קמפינסקי, עמ' 38-36. תל-אביב.

Y. Goren. 1990. Petrographic analyses of several wares from Kabri. In: Excavations at Kabri, preliminary report No. 4, Ed. A. Kempinski, W-D Niemeier, pp. XL-LII. Tel-Aviv.

Y. Goren. 1992. Technological study of the Late Pottery Neolithic ceramic assemblage from Kabri, Area B. In: Excavations at Kabri, preliminary report No. 6, Ed. A. Kempinski, W-D Niemeier, pp. 12*-21*. Tel Aviv.

Y. Goren. 1992. Petrographic study of the pottery assemblage from Munhata. In: The Pottery Assemblage of the Sha'ar Hagolan and Rabah Stages of Munhata (Israel), Ed. Y. Garfinkel, pp. 329-360. Paris.

M. Haiman, Y. Goren. 1992. "Negbite" pottery: new aspects and interpretations and the role of pastoralism in designating ceramic technology. In: Pastoralism in the Levant, Ed. O. Bar-Yosef, A. Khazanov, pp. 143-151. Cambridge.

י. גורן. 1993. בדיקות פטרוגרפיות של המכלול הקיראמי מבית העמק. בתוך: החפירה בבית העמק, ערך ש. גבעון, עמ' 97-82. תל-אביב.

J. Glass, Y. Goren, S. Bunimovitz, I. Finkelstein. 1993. Petrographic analyses of Middle Bronze III, Late Bronze and Iron Age I ceramic assemblages. In: Shiloh, The Archaeology of a Biblical Site, Ed. I. Finkelstein, S. Bunimovitz, Z. Lederman, pp.271-286. Tel Aviv.

I. Gilead, Y. Goren. 1995. The pottery assemblages from Grar. In: Grar, a Chalcolithic Site in the Northern Negev, Ed. I. Gilead, pp. 137-221. Beer-Sheva.

A. Gopher, Y. Goren 1995. The beginning of pottery. In: The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, Ed. T.E. Levy, pp. 224-225. London.

Y. Goren, E.D. Oren, R. Feinstein. 1995. The archaeological and ethnoarchaeological interpretation of a ceramological enigma: pottery production in Sinai (Egypt) during the New Kingdom period. In: The Aim of Laboratory Analyses of Ceramics in Archaeology, Ed. A. Lindahl, O. Stilborg, pp. 101-120. Stockholm.

I. Hershkovitz, I. Zohar, S. Wish-Baratz, Y. Goren, N. Goring-Morris, M.S. Spiers, I. Segal, O. Meirav, U. Sherter, H. Feldman. 1996. High-resolution computed tomography and micro-focus radiography on an eight thousand year old plastered skull: how and why it was modeled. In: Nature et Culture, Ed. M. Otte, pp. 667-681. Liége.

Y. Goren, R. Kletter, E. Kamaiski. 1996. The technology and provenience of the Iron Age figurines from the City of David: Petrographic Analysis. In: City of David Excavations, Final Report IV, Ed. D.Z. Ariel, A. de Grott, pp. 87-89. Jerusalem.

Y. Goren. 1996. Petrographic study of the pottery assemblages from Nahal Qana. The Nahal Qana cave, Earliest gold in the southern Levant, Ed. A. Gopher and T. Tsuk, pp. 147-154. Tel Aviv.

Y. Goren. 1999. Petrographic analyses of the ceramic finds from the Nahal Zalzal Cave. In: Ancient Settlements of the Central Negev (Vol. I), Ed. R. Cohen, pp. 5*-6*. Jerusalem.

Y. Goren, P. Fischer. 1999. Petrographic study of ceramic assemblages as a regional project: The Early and Late Bronze Ages in the Central Jordan Valley. In: Practical Impact of Science on Near Eastern & Aegean Archaeology, Ed. S. Pike, S. Gitin, pp. 143-146. Athens.

Y. Goren. 2000. Technology, provenience and interpretation of the Early Bronze Age Egyptian ceramics. In: Megiddo III, Ed. I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin and B. Halpern, pp. 496-501. Tel-Aviv.

Y. Goren, S. Zuckermann. 2001. An overview of the typology, provenance and technology of the Early Bronze Age I "Gray Burnished Ware". In: Breaking the past: Ceramics and change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant, Ed. G. Philip and D. Baird, pp. 165-182. Sheffield.

Y. Goren, N. Halperin. 2002. Pottery technology. In: Tel Teo, a Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Early Bronze Age Site in the Hula Valley, Ed. E. Eisenberg, A. Gopher, R. Greenberg, pp. 157-162. Jerusalem.

E. Braun, E. van den Brink, R. Gophna, Y. Goren. 2002. New evidence for Egyptian connections during the latter part of Early Bronze I, from the Soreq Basin in south central Israel. In: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighbouring Lands in Memory of Duglas L. Esse, Ed. S. Wolf, pp. 59-97. Atlanta.

N. Porat, Y. Goren. 2002. Petrography of the Naqada IIIa Canaanite pottery from Tomb U-j in Abydos. In: Egypt and the Levant, Interrelations From the 4th Through the Early 3rd Millennium BCE, Ed. E.C.M. van den Brink, T.E. Levy, pp. 252-270. Leicester.

N. Porat, Y. Goren. 2001. Petrography of the Naqada IIIa Canaanite pottery from Tomb U-j in Abydos. In: Umm El-Qaab II, Ed. U. Hartung, pp. 466-481. Mainz.

P. Fabian, Y. Goren. 2002. A new type of Late Roman storage jar from the Negev. In: The Roman and Byzantine Near East Vol. 3, Ed. J.H. Humphrey, pp. 145-153. Rhode Island.

Y. Goren. 2002. Provenance study of Eulogia tokens. In: What Athens Has To Do With Jerusalem, Essays on Classical, Jewish, and Early Christian Art and Archaeology In Honor of Gideon Foerster, Ed. L.V. Rutgers, pp. 513-522. Leuven.

M. Serpico, J. Bourriau, L. Smith, Y. Goren, B. Stern, C. Heron. 2003. Commodities and containers: a project to study Canaanite amphorae imported into Egypt during the New Kingdom. In: The Synchronisation of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. II, Ed. M. Bietak, pp. 365-375. Wien.

Y. Goren, N. Halperin. 2004. Selected petrographic analyses. In: The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish, Vol. V, Ed. D. Ussishkin, pp. 2553-2568. Tel-Aviv.

L.M.V. Smith, J.D. Bourriau, Y. Goren, M.J. Huges, M. Serpico. 2004. The provenance of Canaanite amphorae found at Memphis and Amarna in the New Kingdom: results 2000-2002. In: Invention and Innovation, The Social Context of Technological Change 2: Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East, 1650-1150 BC, Eds. J. Bourriau, J. Phillips, pp. 55-77. Oxford.

D. Namdar, I. Segal, Y. Goren, S. Shalev. 2004. Chalcolithic copper artefacts. In: Giv'at ha-Oranim, a Chalcolithic Site (Salvage Excavations Reports No. 1), Eds. N. Scheftelowitz and R. Oren, pp. 70-83. Tel Aviv.

E. Buzaglo, Y. Goren. 2006. Petrographic study of Iron Age pottery from Beth Shean. In: Excavations at Tel Beth Shean 1989 -1996, Volume I, From the Late Bronze Age IIB to the Medieval Period, Ed. A. Mazar, pp.. Jerusalem.

Y. Goren. 2006. The technology of the Gilat pottery assemblage: a reassessment. In: Archaeology and Cult: The Sanctuary at Gilat, Ed. T.E. Levy, D. Alon. Pp. 369-393. Ann Arbor.

Y. Rowan, T.E. Levy, D. Alon, Y. Goren. 2006. Gilat's Ground Stone Assemblage: Stone fenestrated stands, bowls, palettes and related artifacts. In: Archaeology Anthropology and Cult: The Sanctuary at Gilat, Israel, Ed. T.E. Levy, D. Alon. Ann Arbor.

Y. Goren. 2006. A petrographic comment on four vessels from Jatt. In: The Jatt Metal Hoard in Northern Canaanite/Phoenician and Cypriote Context, Ed. M. Artzy. Pp. 129-131. Barcelona.

R. Jones, S. Levi, Y. Goren. In press. Characterisation of prehistoric pottery from Monte Grande and Vivara, Sicily. In: L'esperimento Vivara: nuove tecnologie per lo studio, la conservazione e la valorizzaone del patrimonio culturale archeologico nel golfo di Napoli, Ed. M Marazzi. Napoli.

I. Segal, Y. Goren, A. Kamenski. In press. Chemical, metallographical and petrographic study of copper-based finds from Peqi'in Cave. In: Peqi'in, a Chalcolithic Burial Cave in Northern Israel, Ed. Z. Gal, H. Smithline, R. Shalem. Jerusalem.

A. Gilboa, A. Cohen-Weinberger, Y. Goren. In press. Philistine Bichrome Pottery - The View from the Northern Canaanite Coast: Notes on Provenience, Chronology, and Symbolic Properties. In "I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient times" (Abiah chidot minei-kedem - Ps. 78:2b): Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Eds. A. M. Maeir, P. de Miroschedji. Winona Lake.

N. Na'aman, Y. Goren. In press. Stratum X12 Inscriptions: Summary, Provenance and Reassessment. In: Aphek II, Eds. M. Kochavi, Y. Gadot, E. Yadin. Tel-Aviv.

Y. Goren. In press. Provenance study of the fragmentary tablet with an unknown script. In: Aphek II, Ed. M. Kochavi, Y. Gadot, E. Yadin. Tel-Aviv.

A. Yasur-Landau, Y. Goren, E. Buzaglo. In press. Petrographic analyses of selected Philistine pottery from Tel Aphek. In: Aphek II, Eds. M. Kochavi, Y. Gadot, E. Yadin. Tel-Aviv.

M.A.S. Martin, Y. Gadot, Y. Goren. In press. A Typological and Technological Study of imported Egyptian and local Egyptian-style Pottery from the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Strata. In: Aphek II, Eds. M. Kochavi, Y. Gadot, E. Yadin. Tel-Aviv.

Y. Goren, R. Biton. In press. Technology of the fired clay objects from Gilgal I. In: Gilgal, Eds. O. Bar-Yosef, A-N. Goring Morris, A. Belfer-Cohen. Cambridge.

Y. Goren. In press. Ceramic technology and provenance at Khirbet Iskander. In: Khirbet Iskander: Final Report on the Early Bronze IV Area C Gateway and Cemeteries, Eds. S. Richard and J.D. Long, Jr. Boston, MA.

A. Nativ, A. Gopher, Y. Goren. In press. Archeological Investig7ations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora Part III: Pottery Production at Nahal Zehora II, Ed. A. Gopher.

Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings Published in Proceedings

Y. Goren, I. Gilead 1987. A preliminary note on the possible origins of pottery and stone vessels of the 4th millennium B.C. from the Northern Negev, Israel. In: Les Methods Scientifiques en Archaeologie. UISPP XIe Congress. Maintz am Rhain.

Y. Goren, A. Gopher, P. Goldberg. 1991. The beginnings of pottery production in the southern Levant. In: Upper-Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic populations in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean basin, Ed. I. Pap. Budapest.

Y. Goren, A. Gopher, P. Goldberg. 1993. The beginnings of pottery production in the southern Levant: Technological and social aspects. In: Biblical Archaeology Today 1990, Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology. Pre-Congress Symposium: Supplement, Ed. A. Biran, J. Aviram, pp. 33-40. Jerusalem.

S. Itkis, Y. Goren. 1993. The preliminary results of micromagnetometry as applied to archaeology in Israel. In: Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 64. Jerusalem.

Y. Goren and A. Gopher. 1995. The beginnings of pottery production in the southern Levant: a model. In: The Ceramics Cultural Heritage, Ed. P. Vincenzini, pp. 21-28. Faenza.

Edited Volumes

G. Philip, D. Baird (Eds). 2001. Breaking the past: Ceramics and change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant. Levantine Archaeology series, Executive editors: R.B. Adams and Y. Goren. Sheffield.

B. McDonald, R. Adams P. Bienkowski. (Eds.). 2001. The Archaeology of Jordan. Levantine Archaeology series, Executive editors: R. Adams and Y. Goren. Sheffield.

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