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Prof. Raphael (Rafi) Greenberg

Associate Professor in Archaeology


Ph.D. - Hebrew University, 1997
M.A. - Hebrew University, 1987
B.A. - Hebrew University, 1981

Current Archaeological Projects

Tel Bet Yerah Research and Excavation Project (TBYREP)
Rogem Ganim Project in Community Archaeology
Comparative Technology of Khirbet Kerak and Kura-Araxes Ceramics
West Back and East Jerusalem Archaeological Database

Research Interests

Emergence of early complex societies
Early Bronze Age migration and interaction
Archaeology of Jerusalem
The significance of archaeology in Israeli society

Postgraduate Students

Sarit Paz (Ph.D.), "Life in the City: The Birth of an Urban Habitus in the Early Bronze Age of Israel"

Mark Iserlis (Ph. D.), “Khirbet Kerak Ware and The Early Transcaucasian Culture: Technological Behavior as Cultural Signifier”

Alina Getzel (M.A.), “Another Look at Khirbet Kerak Ware and its Relationship to the Kura- Araks culture: A Typological and Comparative Study”

Natan Ben Ari (M.A.), “Mortuary Practices in Israel's Coastal Plain during Early Bronze Age 1 and Their Social Implications

Chemi Schiff (M.A.), “Ancient Avdat: Between Archaeology and Heritage”


A. Biran, D. Ilan and R. Greenberg. Dan I. Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1996. 329 pp.; Part II: A. Gopher and R. Greenberg. The Pottery Neolithic Levels (pp. 65-81); Part III: R. Greenberg. The Early Bronze Age Levels (pp. 83-160).

E. Eisenberg, A. Gopher, and R. Greenberg. Tel Te'o - A Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Early Bronze Age Site in The Hula Valley. Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 13. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2001. 227 pp.

R. Greenberg. Early Urbanizations in the Levant: A Regional Narrative. New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology. London: Leicester University Press, 2002. xii + 141 pp.

R. Greenberg, E. Eisenberg, S. Paz and Y. Paz. Bet Yerah - The Early Bronze Age Mound: Vol. I - Excavation Reports 1933-1986. Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 30. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2006.

R. Greenberg and A. Keinan. Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem: A Sourcebook. Ostracon Press, 2009. 180 pp. + digital database.

R. Greenberg and Y. Goren eds., Transcaucasian Migrants and the Khirbet Kerak Culture in the Third Millennium BCE (Tel Aviv 36/2). Tel Aviv 2009.

Selected Recent Articles

Bet Yerah, Aparan III and Karnut: Preliminary Observations on Kura-Araks Homeland and Diaspora Ceramic Technologies (with M. Iserlis, R. Badalyan and Y. Goren). Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology. (Forthcoming).

Traveling in (World) Time: Transformation, Commoditization, and the Beginnings of Urbanism in the Southern Levant. In T. Wilkinson, S. Sherratt and J. Bennet. eds. Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st Millennia BC. Oxbow. (Forthcoming).

Extreme Exposure: Archaeology in Jerusalem 1967-2007. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 11 (2009): 262-281 .

Towards an Inclusive Archaeology in Jerusalem: The Case of Silwan/The City of David. Public Archaeology 8/1 (2009): 35-50.

Transcaucasian Colors: Khirbet Kerak Ware at Khirbet Kerak (Tel Bet Yerah) . In B. Lyonnet ed. Les cultures des Caucase (VIe–IIIe millénaires avant notre ère) . Paris: CNRS Editions, 2007. Pp. 257–268.

Stamped and Incised Jar Handles from Rogem Gannim, and Their Implications for the Political Economy of Jerusalem, Late 8 th –Early 4 th Centuries BCE (with G. Cinamon). Tel Aviv 33 (2006): 229–243.

What's Cooking in EB II? In P. de Miroschedji and A. Maeir eds. I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times: Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. Winona Lake, 2006.

Notes on the Early Bronze Age Pottery: The 1998-2000 Seasons. In I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin and B. Halpern eds. Megiddo IV. Tel Aviv, 2006. pp. 149-165.

The Early Bronze Age Fortifications of Tel Bet Yerah. Levant 37 (2005): 81-103 (with Y. Paz).

Revealed in their Cups: Syrian Drinking Practices in Intermediate Bronze Age Canaan (with S. Bunimovitz). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 334 (2004): 19–32.

Courses 2010-11

Introduction to the Archaeology of Israel
Ceramic Typology A: Neolithic to Intermediate Bronze Age
Syria in the Third Millennium BCE
The Archaeology of Early Colonialism: Uruk and Egypt in the Levant
Field School: Tel Bet Yerah

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