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The Rogem Ganim Project in Community Archaeology

The Rogem Ganim Project in Community Archaeology is part of a larger project for the establishment of an archaeological park and information center at the Rogem Ganim site in modern Jerusalem. Rogem Ganim (Rujm

Tarud) is the largest of the mysterious tumuli situated in the Jerusalem hills, which have attracted scholarly interest since the late 19th century. It is located in the middle of modern West Jerusalem working-class community of Ir Ganim-Qiryat Menahem. Previous excavations at this and neighboring tumuli established that they are intentional constructions dating to the Iron Age II. Rogem Ganim is surrounded by rock-hewn caves and agricultural installations, used during the Persian and Roman periods.

Work at the site was initiated by the Ganim Community Council. Over 400 tons of refuse were removed before excavation began, and excavation of the site began in 1999 with the Israel Antiquities Authority. In 2000, the Institute of
Archaeology at Tel Aviv University joined the project, and excavations were conducted by Dr Raphael Greenberg and M.A. candidate Gilad Cinamon.

The aim of the Rogem Ganim archaeological project is threefold: the methodic investigation of the site, the reflexive exploration of the interaction between archaeologists and the community, and the empowerment of the community in constructing a narrative of place. As the project is community-sponsored, priorities must be established by consensus. This requires complete disclosure on the part of the archaeologists of the methods and requirements of the discipline, and of the results of the excavation. A significant tool is the project's website, which will eventually house a full record of the excavation, along with interpretive texts on various levels. Ongoing work includes the
integration of the site into local educational curricula.

Funding for the project has been provided by the Rothschild Foundation, the Sheli Fund (CRB), the Tenufa Project (Ministry of Housing), and the Community Centers Corporation.

Click here to go to the official website for the Rogem Ganim Project in Community Archaeology.

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