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Occasional Publications
No. 2


Studies in the Iron Age Pottery of Israel: Typological, Archaeological and Chronological Aspects

Orna Zimhoni

Studies in the Iron Age Pottery of Israel is a timely and topical analysis of some of the most important evidence for Iron Age (Early Israelite) Israel. Among scholars of biblical archaeology at present rages a polarized debate on the nature, or even the existence, of the United Monarchy and how the traces it may have left can be identified and dated in the archaeological record. Orna Zimhoni, one of the leading experts in the Iron Age ceramics of Israel, offers a thorough analysis of pivotal material for the understanding of these issues through this collection of studies. Her analysis of the early first-millennium pottery from Tel 'Eton, Tel Jezreel—including that of the Pre-Omride settlement—Lachish Iron Age II Levels V–IV and Lachish III and II presents thought-provoking challenges to the accepted dating of key chronological anchors at these sites.

ISBN 965-266-010-8
263 pages, 137 figures and photographic plates. 3 maps.
Hard cover. Price: $25.00

Table of Contents

Editors' Foreword

Chapter 1:
The Iron Age Pottery from Tel Jezreel—an Interim Report

Chapter 2:
Clues from the Enclosure fills: Pre-Omride Settlement at Tel Jezreel

Chapter 3:
Lachish Levels V and IV: Comments on the Material of Judah in the Iron Age II in the Light of the Lachish Pottery Repertoire

Chapter 4:
The Iron Age Pottery of Tel 'Eton and Its Relation to the Lachish, Tell Beit Mirsim and Arad Assemblages

Chapter 5:
Two Ceramic Assemblages from Lachish Levels III and II

List of Abbreviations

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