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Object Illustration

Tel. 972-3-6409405

Rodica Penhas
Ada Perry
Alina Sheshilov
Yulia Gottlieb

Because certain features are best illustrated or emphasized by drawing, many of the objects found in excavations are drawn to scale, with the illustrator's interpretation becoming part of the image. Pottery, in particular, is drawn using conventions to highlight vessel profile and the potter's technique. Recently we have begun drawing much of our pottery digitally with the help of computer programs. This simplifies the manipulation of drawings, making enlarging, reducing, flipping and combining images
easier to achieve, and also results in more durable, compact archiving and enables linking of small finds images to databases. At the press of a button, one can see all the finds from a particular room, palace or tomb, or just one type of find.


   Gilman Building 225 | Tel: 03-6409417 | Fax: 03-6407237