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Prof. Shlomo Bunimovitz

Senior Lecturer in Archaeology


BA - Tel Aviv University, 1977
MA - Tel Aviv University, 1983
Ph.D. - Tel Aviv University, 1989
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Land of Israel in the Late Bronze Age - A Case Study of Socio-Cultural Change in a Complex Society.

Prof. Shlomo Bunimovitz
Fields of Teaching and Research

  • Archaeology of Israel in the Bronze and Iron Ages
  • Aegean and Cypriote archaeology
  • Theory in archaeology

Current Projects

Tel Beth-Shemesh Excavations

Selected Publications


Finkelstein, I., Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. eds. 1993. Shiloh: The Archaeology of a Biblical Site. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University No. 10). Tel Aviv.

Finkelstein, I., Lederman, Z. and Bunimovitz, S. 1997. Highlands of Many Cultures. The Southern Samaria Survey. The Sites. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University No. 14). Tel Aviv.

Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. forthcoming. Tel Beth-Shemesh: A Border Community in Judah. Renewed Excavations 1990-2000: The Iron Age. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University).


Bunimovitz, S. 1990. Problems in the "Ethnic" Identification of the Philistine Cultures. Tel Aviv 17: 210-222.

Bunimovitz, S. 1992. The Middle Bronze Age Fortifications in Palestine as a Social Phenomenon. Tel Aviv 19: 221-234.

Bunimovitz, S. 1995. On the Edge of Empires - Late Bronze Age (1550-1200 BCE). In: Levy, T.E., ed. The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land. London: 320-331.

Bunimovitz, S. 1994. The Problem of Human Resources in Late Bronze Age Palestine and Its Socioeconomic Implications. Ugarit-Forschungen 26: 1-20.

Bunimovitz, S. and Barkai, R. 1996. Ancient Bones and Modern Myths: Ninth Millennium B.C. Hippopotamus Hunters at Akrotiri Aetokremnos, Cyprus? Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 9: 85-96.

Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 1997. Beth-Shemesh: Culture Conflict on Judah's Frontier. Biblical Archaeology Review 23/1: 42-49, 75-77.

Bunimovitz, S. 1998. Sea Peoples in Cyprus and Israel: A Comparative Study of Immigration Processes. In: Gitin, S., Mazar, A. and Stern, E., eds. Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society: 103-113.

Bunimovitz, S. and Faust, A. 2001. Chronological Separation, Geographical Segregation, or Ethnic Demarcation? Ethnography and the Iron Age Low Chronology. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 322: 1-10.

Bunimovitz, S. 2001. Cultural Interpretation and the Bible: Biblical Archaeology in the Postmodern Era. Cathedra 100: 27-46 (Hebrew, English abstract).

Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2001. The Iron Age Fortifications of Tel Beth-Shemesh: A 1990-2000 Perspective. Israel Exploration Journal 51: 121-148.

Bunimovitz, S. and Yasur-Landau, A. 2002. Women and Aegean Immigration to Cyprus. In: Bolger, D. and Serwint, N., eds. Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus. CAARI Monographs, 3. ASOR Archaeological Reports 7. Boston, MA: 211-222.

Bunimovitz, S. and Faust, A. 2002. Ideology in Stone: Understanding the Four-Room House. Biblical Archaeology Review 28/4: 32-41, 59-60.

Goren, Y., Bunimovitz, S., Finkelstein, I. and Na'aman, N. 2003. The Location of Alashiya: New Evidence from Petrographic Investigation of Alashiyan Tablets from El-Amarna and Ugarit. American Journal of Archaeology 107: 233-255.

Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2003. The Last Days of Beth-Shemesh and the Pax Assyriaca in the Judean Shephelah. Tel Aviv 30: 3-26.

Faust, A. and Bunimovitz, S. 2003. The Four-Room House: Embodying Iron Age Israelite Society. Near Eastern Archaeology 66: 22-31.

Bunimovitz, S. and Greenberg, R. 2004. Revealed in Their Cups: Syrian Drinking Customs in Intermediate Bronze Age Canaan. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 334: 19-31.

Ph.D. Students

Amir Golani, in preparation
The Development, Significance and Function of Jewelry and the Evolution of the Jeweler's Craft in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age II (Tel Aviv University)

Zvi Greenhut, in preparation
Production, Storage and Distribution of Grain in Israel during the Iron Age and Their Linkage to the Socio-Economic Organization (in collaboration with Prof. S. Lev-Yadun, Haifa University)

Yifat Peleg, in preparation
Archaeology, Burial and Gender at Judaea in the Early Roman Period (Tel Aviv University)

M.A. Students

Nurith Goshen, in preparation
The "Miniature Frescoes" Genre and Its Role in the Aegean Society of the MM III-LM Ib (in collaboration with Dr. A. Yasur-Landau, Tel Aviv University)

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