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Dr. Nili Liphschitz

Research Fellow


B.Sc. in Life Sciences - Tel Aviv University, 1964.
M.Sc. in Botany - Tel Aviv University, 1966.
Ph.D. in Botany - Tree Ecology - Tel Aviv University, 1970.
Ph.D. Dissertation: Environmental control of the radial growth of Populus euphratica Olive.

Fields of Research

Dendroarchaeology, eendrochronology, dendrohistory, afforestation history, environmental control of tree growth, wood anatomy, cambial and phellogen activity, tree pathology, salt secretion.

Selected Publications


Liphschitz. N. & G. Biger. 1998. Trees of Eretz Israel: Characteristics, History and Uses. Ariel & J.N.F. (Hebrew).

Liphschitz. N. & G. Giger. 1998. Forthcoming. First Steps of Afforestation in Eretz Israel 1850-1950. J.N.F.

In dendroarchaeology

Liphschitz, N., 1996. The History of Vegetational Landscape of the Negev During Antiquity as Evident from Archaeological Wood Remains. Israel Jour. Plant Sci. 44:161-180.

Liphschitz, N., Bonani, G. & E. van den Brink, 1997. Timber Analysis and 14C Dating of Wooden Egyptian Cylinder Seals from the Israel Museum Collection. Gottinger Miszellen 158:33-41.

Liphschitz, N., Biger, G., Bonani, G & W. Wolfli. 1997. Secondary and Tertiary Use of Archaeological Timber: Botanical Identification and 14C dating of Carved Panels and Beams of the Al Aqsa Mosque. Jerusalem. Jour. Archaeol. Sci. 24:1045-1050.

Liphschitz, N., 1998. Forthcoming. Timber Analysis of Wooden Objects and Household Tools: A Comparative Study with Special Emphasis on the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods. I.E.J. 48(1).

Liphschitz, N., 1998. Forthcoming. The Vegetational Landscape of Sinai during Antiquity as Evident from Archaeological Wood Remains. Israel Jour. Plant Sci. 46.

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