Regional Iron Age Settlement Patterns and GIS for Edom, Jordan
Program Unit: Jordan and DAAHL
Erez Ben-Yosef, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Kyle Knabb, UCSD, Thomas E. Levy, UCSD, and Mohammad Najjar, Friends of Archaeology, Jordan

This presentation will focus on the methodology of GIS-based archaeological surveys carried out under UCSD-DOAJ Edom Lowland Regional Archaeology Project (ELRAP) in the copper ore district of Faynan, Jordan. In two different types of survey, full coverage and regional, archaeological data were collected with high precision GPS unit and architectural features were mapped on the fly to create a GIS-Access database of archaeological sites and other related geographic information for the region. In turn, the GIS database is a key to analyze settlement patterns and regional road systems as will be demonstrated for the Iron Age southern Jordan. We will also present a brief overview of how Earth Sciences and Archaeology can work together for a stronger cultural heritage cyber-infrastructure. Based on ground-truth tests, the ELRAP project has found archaeointensity studies of slag to be an important tool for relative dating of sites from the Chalcolithic to Islamic times. This work is being carried out in conjunction with Professor Lisa Tauxe of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, and the results were incorporated in the MagIc online database, a sub division of a cyberinfrastructure for Earth Sciences related information (